Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When did these 5th graders get to the middle school?

Much more immature than the last group . . . these guys are spouting out lame "your momma" jokes, talking to themselves, and leaving the classroom together for who knows why.  I don't have this group tomorrow though.  Whew!

I just heard someone say, in a tiny mouse voice, "uh, if you guys want free time, you're going to have to be quiet."  I don't think anyone heard her but me.

Then the huskier girls are huddled in a corner looking up celebrity men on the Internet.  Right, I don't seem them.  Not at all.  Especially when they turn the screen toward the wall like they are hiding something. 

Oh, why aren't I correcting behavior?  They aren't hurting anyone.  But it is funny when they look over at me the same time I look at them.  Its called the power of peripheral vision.  I got it when I was issued my sub-cape.

So they turned the volume on the computers up really loud and said that that is how Mrs. ------- said to do it.  Bahahahaha!  Right, and the tattoo on my forehead says "idiot".

Is it free time yet?  Is it free time yet?  Is is free time yet?  Is it free time yet?  Is it free time yet? 

Thoroughly Entertained (and equally irritated).

How was your day?

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